Over 30 calling features come free with both our home and business phone service.Keep Your Existing Number
Switch to VoIP Much and keep your existing phone number(s). We will even port your number for free (regular: $15 one-time fee).
Voicemail Enhanced

Allows callers to leave a voicemail message if you have missed or screened their call.
Home / SOHO accounts can store up to 21 voicemail messages, and business accounts store up to 50 voicemail messages.
Voicemail messages are stored for up to 30 days, then automatically deleted.
Voicemail Anywhere | VoIP Much Access

Retreive your voicemail from most anywhere in the world, using a regular phone and VoIP Much Access Numbers.
Voicemail Online
Voicemail to Email
Automatically sends an audio file (wav) of your voicemail message to any email account.
Voicemail Transcription
Contained in your Voicemail to Email notificaton is a text transcript of the voicemail message.
Voicemail Notification
Voicemail MWI* (message waiting indicator) and heart beat dial-tone to indicate message(s).
*available on most phones
Free Canada Calling[3] 
Free USA Calling[3] 
Incoming Caller ID (with name)
Outgoing Caller ID (with name)
Outbound Caller ID Block

Keep your privacy and block your name and number when placing an outbound call.
Call Waiting Caller ID
Know who is calling even when you are on the phone, with Call Waiting Caller ID.
Call Waiting
3-Way Conference Calling
Call Forward Busy

Allows you to forward incoming calls, when your line is busy, to any number you choose.
Call Forward No Answer

Allows you to forward incoming calls, when you do not answer the phone, to any number you choose.
Call Forward All (unconditional)
Call Hold

Place a call on hold and resume it a short while later.
Inbound (and internal calls) automatically receive instrumental music while on hold.
Music on hold is not played on outbound calls.
Business phone customers can provide a custom on hold greeting for their inbound calls.
Call Screen
Call Blacklist

This security feature enables users to avoid phone calls from someone you just don't want to hear from.
Anonymous Call Rejection

Block the blocked callers easily, with Anonymous Call Rejection. When enabled, callers who block their phone number when calling you will receive a message that you do not accept unidentified calls.
Do Not Disturb

Need a few moments to yourself... activate Do Not Disturb and send calls directly to voicemail.
Outgoing International LD Block - Regular
Block all long distance calling on your account. Calls to Canada (excluding Yukon, NWT, Nunavut) and the United States (excluding Alaska), as well as other VoIP Much customers remain active. 1+ and 011+ calls are disabled. To place a call within Canada or the United States, simply dial the 10 digit number. Don't want to run the risk of international call charges showing up on your phone bill? No problem... just let us know, and we will enable International LD Block on your line (Contact Us for more details).
Outgoing International LD Block - Security (high risk/rate)
Some countries have extremely high risk of hackers and call fraud, not to meniton high per minute long distance rates. As a security measure on your account, we have blocked many calls that would incure a per minute rate exceeding $0.20 /minute, as well we have blocked any calls to exchanges that are deemed (known) to be a high risk of fraud (by hackers). The LD Block - Security feature will not block all high rate calls, and should not be used as a substitute to the LD Block - Regular feature. If for any reason you need these disabled, just let us know and we will remove the LD Security Block on your line (Contact Us for more details).
VoIP Fail™

VoIP Fail™ detects when your ATA device is offline (ie: due to an internet outage or power failure) and then automatically forwards your incoming calls to a designated number (ie: mobile phone).
Speed Dial

Program frequently dialed numbers, so they are quickly accessed with just a couple of buttons.
Follow Me
We will automatically try each number you defined in your Follow Me list until we reach you. If all attempts to find you fail, the call is then directed to your voicemail.
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
In-Network Calling
6-1-1 (VoIP Much Customer Care)

Reach VoIP Much Customer Care, anytime 24/7/365 from your VoIP Much phone line (also reachable by dialing 0).
X-1-1 (Informational Services)

Calls to 3-1-1 (non-emergency government), 5-1-1 (province weather/traveler information), 8-1-1 (non-urgent health) services and 3-1-0 (Canada 310 service).
9-1-1 (Enhanced 911)[2]

Enhanced 9-1-1, also known as E9-1-1. It works similar to regular 9-1-1 with an added safety feature of automatically sending vital information such as your name, address and the geographical location (even if you are unable to speak).
Don't forget to update your address if you move or travel with your VoIP device.
User Webportal
Knowledge Base

Looking for feature codes or voicemail instructions?
When you see this icon on our site, click for instant Knowledge Base assistance.
Great International Rates
When your call is not covered by our local calling area or long distance calling plans, you still save money with our competitive international rates.
Clone Device
For only CAD $1.45 /month, you can add a Clone Device for use with a mobile or PC softphone.
A Clone Device (ie: mobile softphone) mirrors your primary device (ie: VoIP adapter at home), allowing you to place and receive calls just like your primary device.
Virtual City Numbers
A Virtual City Number is a phone number that exists in another city of your choice, and rings through to your VoIP Much line with no long distance charges (for you or the caller).
North American (Canada/US) Virtual City Numbers are only CAD $2.45 /month per number.
Most United Kingdom (UK) Virtual City Numbers are only CAD $2.45 /month per number.
International Virtual City Numbers (outside of Canada/US) vary in price (typically between CAD $2.45 and $8.11 /month per number).
Toll-Free Numbers
For only CAD $1 /month, add a toll-free number to any home or business phone line.
Toll-free calls will cost you only CAD $0.03 (3 cents) per minute. International toll-free numbers are also available, Contact Us for details.
Add A Line
Add as many additional phone lines to your home or business accounts as you require.
Each additional line is charged at the regular home or business rate.
Bulk line discounts are available for business phone customers, Contact Us for details.
4-1-1 (Directory Assistance)
Directory Assistance (there is a charge of $1.25 per call)
For free online directory assistance, we invite you to visit:
Virtual Numbers are available at an additional charge. Call for more details.
[2] E911 Included. 911 over VoIP is different, view the 911 Policy for more detail.
[3] Outbound calling is subject to normal and fair usage allowance of 2500 minutes per month and excludes
certain call-types for which additional charges may apply. View our Service Agreement for more detail.