What is VoIP
VoIP services can be used with traditional telephones, via the use of an ATA (analoq terminal adapter). Services can also be accessed with SIP/VoIP phones and softphones applications. There are even mobile applications for use with your Android, iPhone and other mobile devices.
VoIP works similar to a regular telephone except that instead of the call going across the phone companies wiring, the call is routed over the Internet. Depending on who is making and receiving the call, the calls can be routed in different ways:
- - Regular phone to Regular phone
- - VoIP phone to VoIP phone
- - Regular phone to VoIP phone
- - VoIP phone to Regular phone
VoIP service is used just like a regular phone... pickup your phone, receive dial-tone, dial and the call is connected. An ATA would be connected to your router/switch (unless you are using a SIP/VoIP phone). A regular telephone is then connected to the ATA. You could also connect the ATA directly to an existing phone jack in your home or business, thus providing service to all jacks connected in your house.